How to Convert More Blog Visitors into Subscribers

Some bloggers are obsessed with attracting new visitors to their blogs and resort to any methods to
achieve this goal. However, it can hardly be called the ultimate goal of a really professional blogger. The trickiest part of blogging is not to attract a lot of visitors, but to turn at least one percent of those attracted into subscribers, therefore, into constant readers, therefore, into potential source of new visitors. If a person is subscribed to your blog and it is constantly in his or her feed, it is more likely for this person to visit it than for the one who just keeps your URL in mind.
Here we are going to provide you with a number of tips on the major strategies you may use to increase the probability of your visitors turning into subscribers.

No Second-Rate Content Writing

You may use fantastically devious schemes to attract visitors to your blog and even subscribe to it on the impulse, but none of them can be a substitute for really good, relevant, useful content. Update regularly, only post original content and be very careful about grammar and orthography. If your blog has nothing interesting to offer your visitors or writing updates only when you feel like it, they will first stop visiting it, and finally unsubscribe.

Offer a Gift to Subscribers

This trick is as old as history itself – there is no way to make people do something than to let them know that they can get something of value free of charge, even if this something is hardly really all that precious. Being a blogger, you can offer a lot of things as a free lunch: an electronic book dealing with the topic of your blog, a newsletter with interesting information not present in the blog itself – in other words, use your imagination.

Blog Serialization

Nothing attracts people more than curiosity. Take some story or topic and write a succession of posts about it, with every one being only a part of the whole and suggesting that something really interesting awaits the readers in the next one and, finally, in the last post of the cycle. You may use it on a regular basis, leading a kind of sub-blog inside your main one, or begin such ventures from time to time – both variants increase the possibility of people subscribing just to find out what are you going to write next time. Of course, if you are capable of keeping them interested.

Don’t Waste Your Time Waiting

People new to blogging think that all they have to do is to post good content and subscriptions will pour in on their own. Sadly, it is not how it all works. In order to increase the number of your subscribers you need to act all the time, make the name of your blog seen. A very good way is to write guest posts for the more popular blogs or the blogs with somewhat different target group. Combine high quality guest posts writing with enticing landing pages and you will get new readers and subscribers in the most unusual places.

 Make the Subscription as Easy as Possible

Subscription link should be easily noticeable, don’t make visitors look around for it. The best position is in the upper part of every page plus between the posts.

Interlink Your Posts

Try to make your blog look like a living, growing, natural creation. Post links to previous posts on the same topic, add lists of links to all the previous posts of the same series and so on. Thus your visitors will stay longer reading the blog and will be more likely to finally subscribe to it.

SEO Optimization

Another thing often overlooked by new bloggers who, as a result, often turn into ex-bloggers. Learn at least the basics of it; it will help you avoid a lot of mistakes that can kill your blog before you even start it.
Blogging may seem to be an interesting and carefree way of earning some money; this, however, is far from truth. It is a job, just like any other, and it requires many skills and tricks to be the best at it. We hope that these tips will make you a little bit closer to the top.