don’t know if there’s any other industry where there is more news than
SEO. Here is a round-up of
the top 8 SEO-related stories of 2012.
the top 8 SEO-related stories of 2012.
6 Changes Every SEO Should Make Before the Over-Optimization Penalty Hits
This is not exactly an article, but is rather the transcript of one of SEOMoz’s weekly whiteboard videos. And what a great video it is! When Penguin was announced, I read through article after article to learn more about Penguin. Then of course SEOMoz summed up everything I needed to do in eleven minutes flat. I pledged my eternal gratitude then, and now I’m making it my first entry for the Best SEO Articles of 2012.Prediction: Anchor Text is Dying and Will be Replaced by Co-citation
The title is a little sensationalized. As the video points out, anchor text is still an important SEO tool and will continue to be one into the future. However, it is becoming less important. It may soon be eclipsed by Co-citations: non-linking text that uses website domain names in close proximity to keywords.Penguin or Panda: How to Determine Which Google Algorithm Update Impacted your Website
Speaking of Penguin and Panda, here is an article that every single SEO should have read when they rolled out. I can’t believe how many times I had to send this article to other marketers to help them figure out which update was punishing them.How Blog Commenting Can Still Be a Healthy Part of Your Post-Penguin SEO Strategy: A Case Study
This was exactly what a user-generated SEO article should be like: the description of a simple, limited, and user-friendly way to get an edge over the competition. The writer describes her process for using blog posts to boost SEO.Infographic: The Death of SEO – Failed Predictions over the Years
Every year there are more doomsayers announcing the death of SEO. This infographic hilariously sums and rebuts common arguments. Pull it up if you ever get discouraged about SEO as a career.The State of Mobil Search Advertising in the US
This groundbreaking report summarized the amazing research Marin did into the world of mobile search advertising. The statistics here inspired me to devote a lot more time to mobile marketing.